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Episode 1505


Sometimes it’s a challenge to give a book a chance: How many pages should you read before deciding it’s not worth your time? There’s a new formula to help with that decision — and it’s all based on your age. • Have you ever...

Dragonish - Disappointed Instead of Defenestrated

The First First Annual

Can a first-time event ever be called “The First Annual” Such-and-Such? Members of a Cedar Rapids group planning a social mixer disagree. This is part of a complete episode.

shadow toll

shadow toll  n.— «When the toll roads were built, the TCA said no taxpayer money would be used to operate roads, Fitts said. But the term “shadow tolls” seems to be a euphemism for “taxpayer-supported toll road,” he...


hat  n.— «They contended city officials meddled with their original scheme, rejecting an innovative plan for terra cotta facade panels that would have screened the tower from the rain. The Department of Planning and Development insisted on...

bubble room

bubble room  n.— «In order to alleviate concerns that the White House has plans for martial law, Representative Peter DeFazio, (D-OR), asked to see the plan for government continuity. As a member of the Homeland Security Committee, DeFazio...

Kelly day

Kelly day  n.— «The delegation…explained that firemen work one day and have the next day off with every 10th day designated as a “Kelly” day or day off. This schedule is followed except during the vacation period when the...

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