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Episode 1420

Pickle Seeder

Would you rather live in a world with no adjectives … or no verbs — and why? Also, who in the world is that director Alan Smithee [SMITH-ee] who made decades’ of crummy films? Turns out that if a movie director has his work wrested away...

Running Like a Pickle Seeder

A caller in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, says that when his grandfather was asked how he was doing, he’d reply, “running like a pickle seeder,” meaning “doing really well.” The joke, of course, is that there’s no such thing as a...

Pickle Off

A retired Air Force officer says he’s never wondered until recently why the button that pilots push to drop bombs is called the pickle button, and to “pickle off” the bomb means to drop it. This is part of a complete episode.

The Funniest Words

Pickle, baboon, cupcake, snorkel, pumpkin, Kalamazoo—let’s face it, some words are just plain funny. But what makes some words funnier than others? Martha and Grant consider this question with an assist from Neil Simon’s play (and movie)...

drop a pickle

drop a pickle  v. phr.— «He got his nickname, “Split,” when he went to a party shortly after his wife gave birth to their first child. Dropping a bomb and having a child are both referred to as “dropping a pickle”...

pickle park

pickle park  n.— «Unless you’re gay, you’re probably unaware of “pickle park,” a rest stop off the Long Island Expressway in Melville. It’s not officially known as pickle park, but that’s what the gay cognoscenti call the...