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weadle  v.— «Blow changed his name, and Douglas Wead didn’t, but soon he may want to, if current reactions keep up. To “weadle” may soon enter the lexicon as meaning betraying an unknowing party by recording words meant for a...


exopolitics  n.— «Exopolitics, as a discipline for understanding Universe society through its politics and government, may turn our dominant view of the Universe upside down. Exopolitics posits that the truest conception of our earthly...


hudna  n.— «He is still negotiating, in the midst of negotiations with different parties to secure a cease-fire or a hudna, as they call it in Arabic, between the different factions.» —“Gaza Security” NewsHour (U.S...


leitkultur  n.— «“This debate,” it adds, “must not omit the issue of a (German) ‘Leitkultur’ (guiding culture), nor the commitments which a self-confident society…not ashamed of its Christian foundations may require of...