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junque  n.— «There is junk mail and there is junque mail, the classy kind whose entertainment value far exceeds its bulk rate status.» —“Junk Mail Delivers Odd Offer” by J.E. McReynolds Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma...


junque  n.— «Some pote, evidently, is learning the gentle art of typewriting, for we find this in the mail: Take 4 SPools & aN olD Tin Kann,/’N th’ HanDle offa FryIng PAnn;/IO lbs of Junque FrUm Nissinow,/PutT iN Sum GaSS...

mail shot

mail shot  n.— «Supposing that I decided to rent the mailing lists of other people and send those potential customers a letter (usually referred to as a ‘mail shot’), I might reasonably get between 1% and 2% of those people to buy from me...


meteorwrong  n.— «Every day, people mail Washington University geochemist Randy Korotev pictures and packages of rocks. They want him to say that their backyard nuggets are from out of this world—and, gram for gram, worth more than gold...


stack  v.— «The smaller vineyards could own other liquor licenses to build a wine bar or restaurant on their premises, a practice known as “stacking licenses.”» —“Measure will allow wine sales in the mail” by...

elevator pitch

elevator pitch  n.— «Krueger said his book shows you how to make a “30-second elevator pitch” on voice mail.» —“Hiring Manager Has Real-World Tips For Graduates With Lessons To Learn” by Bonnie Newman...

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