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starvation corner

starvation corner n. a literal or notional place of little sustenance, especially that part of a large gathering (a banquet, mealtime in a dining hall, a family get-together, etc.) in which food has yet to be served or eaten. Editorial Note: Often...

Jenny Crank

Jenny Crank n. methamphetamine, especially in the phrase Jenny Crank diet, a jocular term for weight loss caused by use of the drug or similar drugs. Etymological Note: A play on Jenny Craig, a popular weight-loss program. Occasionally, Jenny Crank...

hillbilly chrome

hillbilly chrome n. duct tape; metallic (aerosol) paint. Also Alabama chrome, Arkansas chrome, Georgia chrome, ghetto chrome, Mexican chrome, redneck chrome, Tijuana chrome, Wisconsin chrome. Editorial Note: Usually jocular and mildly derogatory...


Floodweiser n. a jocular name for water distributed in cans as disaster aid by the Anheuser-Busch corporation; also, misc. other wordplay on the beer brand “Budweiser.” (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

Mart Brothers

Mart Brothers n.pl. the American retail store chains Wal-Mart and K-Mart. Editorial Note: This term is ironically jocular through comparison to local stores that tend to be named after their owners and in contrast to the two retailers’—especially...

land of fruit and nuts

land of fruit and nuts n. California. Editorial Note: A reference to both the agricultural bounty of California and the stereotypical image of Californians as being other than normal, fruit n., ‘a crazy person’ and nuts adj., ‘crazy.’ Usually...