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A Whole Nother

For the final word on grammar, many writers turn to the Associated Press Stylebook. But if you find that stylebook too stuffy, you’ll love Fake AP Stylebook, the online send-up that features such sage journalistic advice “The plural of...

Language Headlines (minicast)

This week’s language headlines include the publication of new slang dictionary, and an entire book devoted to that tiny piece of punctuation, the period, and a tip-off about audio recordings of famous authors whose voices would otherwise be...

Delaware effect

Delaware effect  n.— «The Irish government has thrown everybody (and that includes Sarkozy and Merkel) off track by guaranteeing every last penny in its banks. The risks run by this kind of unilateral action inside the European Union are...


tumbling  n.— «Some Irish were able to buy tickets out of the country. “They were going to be driven off the land because they were unable to pay rent when the crops failed.…The landlord would come with a constable and do what...

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