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pump out

pump out  v. phr.— «A few days later, he leaves for Camp Geiger in North Carolina for infantry school, which lasts about a month. Now, he’s there training to be a rifleman, his specialty. According to Hess, George could “pump...

Chicago way

Chicago way  n.— «When asked how he could have pulled off such an escape, Mr. Alsammarae, who moved to Chicago in 1976 but returned to Iraq just after the invasion, laughed uproariously for 20 seconds. Then, recycling a famous line from an...

self-licking ice-cream cone

self-licking ice-cream cone  n.— «However disappointing Colin Powell’s knee-jerk saluting of the commander-in-chief, at least Powell had been around and knew something of the world. (Rumsfeld, of course, is good riddance.) But what you now...

7,000-mile screwdriver

7,000-mile screwdriver  n.— «Senior military officers referred to it as “the 7,000-mile screwdriver.” That was their way of describing Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s penchant for micromanaging aspects of the Iraq War...


gagglefuck  n.— «The fact of the matter is, America’s misadventure in Iraq is over, a misadventure handed to us by neo-conservatives [read Jewish Zionists], it’s become a complete gagglef*ck as they say in the cavalry and it is...

IED petting zoo

IED petting zoo  n.— «A special training ground has been set up at Fort Drum where soldiers headed for Iraq and Afghanistan are being trained how to spot improvised explosive devices blamed for causing most of the casualties suffered by U...