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pepto  n.— «But you have to distinguish greenies—the peptos as they were called—from steroids. Greenies only allowed you to play up to your ability. If you didn’t get a good night’s sleep, or you had a hangover, it would allow you to play...


suitcasing  v.— «Suitcasing A traditional method of delivering classroom training to groups of workers at remote locations. All materials required to conduct the training are packaged and either sent or hand-carried to the training...

twenty-minute takeout

twenty-minute takeout  n.— «The “security check” used by the CIA to prepare a detainee for transport on a rendition plane was described to us by one source in the American intelligence community as a “twenty-minute takeout.” His...


reshop  v.— «Respondent contends that Complainant was assigned to “reshop” (reshop means that items not purchased by a customer are placed back on the shelf by an employee) some merchandise that was not purchased by a customer...

Da U.

Da U.  n.— «Donna Shalala, former U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, serves as University of Miami’s president. How often does she refer to the institution as “Da U.”?» —“Inside Gang Green” by David...

shadow report

shadow report  n.— «As part of that review, the official State report is presented along with what is called a “shadow report,” a rebuttal from non-government organizations (NGOs), advocacy groups, and citizen representatives. The US...