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Mischief Night

In many neighborhoods, the night before Halloween is the night when pranksters run around wreaking all kinds of mischief–toilet-papering houses, spraying windows with shaving cream, ringing doorbells and then running away. A Connecticut woman...

witness post

witness post  n.— «As surveys progressed, various improvements were introduced to secure regularity and convenience of description, by the establishment of base-lines, meridians, and standard parallels, through certain permanent natural...


ragging  n.— «The walls are a subtle rose color done with a technique called ragging, in which paint is applied with a rag rather than a brush. The color matches the border of the Art Deco rug.» —“Two Country Houses and One Romance...


book  n.— «Matters improved still more. Mr. Legree moved to a job at Public School 150, just across the street from his apartment at Brownsville Houses. It was at that job that he received his “book”—became a member of a laborers’ union...


superblock  n.— «“Superblocks” is the term for developments (whether a housing project or the World Trade Center) where city streets are demapped so that the development stands as a world unto itself without reference to surrounding...

blow a hoolie

blow a hoolie  v. phr.— «Houses made from wool? More like pulling it over our eyes. What if it rains or blows a hoolie? Living in a tent might be fine for nomads in warmer climes, but camping out in Britain is hardly a cushy option...