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bubble capital

bubble capital  n.— «Bank PHB was also accused of having resorted to illegalities in the acquisition bid as two-thirds of the 33 per cent it claimed were “rejected” and “warehoused” shares. The rejected shares, also referred to as “bubble...

Bangs in your Inbox

Writing in the Guardian, Stuart Jeffries contends that our email boxes are being infested with exclamation marks, known as bangs or bangers (without mash) to some people. Jacob Rubin also wrote on the subject a couple of years ago in Slate. This is...


gigaliner  n.— «A “gigaliner,” as they call it, on trial in Germany.…The general public has a right to know that the UK government and the European Commission are considering whether to allow mega-trucks, on our roads...


overcranking  n.— «There is a…nifty 120 frames-a-second option that allows half-speed playback for really excellent quality slow-mo—what’s called overcranking in the biz.» —“Dork talk” by Stephen...


thrownaway  n.—Gloss: a child who has been forced to leave home by a guardian or parent. «A federal study found that 45 percent of missing kids were either runaways or “thrownaways,” a term for kids kicked out of their homes by...


nog  n.— «Syed’s original neighbourhood weblogs, “nogs” as he calls them, were not in vain however. Most of the information can be transferred over to the wiki.» —“Won’t you be my neighbour?” by Carrie...