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Dragonish - Disappointed Instead of Defenestrated

The First First Annual

Can a first-time event ever be called “The First Annual” Such-and-Such? Members of a Cedar Rapids group planning a social mixer disagree. This is part of a complete episode.

Library-Themed Ben & Jerry’s

There’s a new Facebook group called People for a Library-Themed Ben & Jerry’s Flavor. They say that libraries are awesome, B&J ice cream is tasty, so why not combine the two and convince Ben & Jerry’s to produce a new...

good bank/bad bank

good bank/bad bank  n.— «American International Group (AIG): NY Posts reports that AIG is considering forming a separate company to hold billions in securities that have dogged its balance sheet for the past several quarters. According to...

Michigan 11-pointer

Michigan 11-pointer  n.— «Hunters in northern Indiana refer to them as Michigan 11-pointers—young bucks with nothing more than a couple parallel bones sticking out of their head. They are typically healthy and legal to shoot, but are they...


ringle  n.— «Universal Music Group and the major labels are about to begin rolling out something called a “RINGLE.” You know, like a single? Except this will be 3 songs packaged together with a ringtone and wallpaper image for...