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fooding  n.— «O. P. A. Ni tout à fait club ni vraiment resto, un bon spécimen du « Fooding » que ce loft arbitrant « groove », bar et nourritures mouvance à un public...

Boeing aliya

Boeing aliya  n.— «As many as 50% of them fit into the category of the “Boeing Aliya”—an expression coined to describe families in which the husband commutes. “It is a quality aliya: They come from a rich country and it’s...


fooding  n.— «One of my favorite bits of franglais is the word le fooding. The meaning of this contraction of “food” and “feeling” is slippery, but it relates to a trend of fresh, original cooking that’s taking hold...


rehat  v.— «“The French and British had two advantages we did not have. They had substantial numbers of troops on the ground already. They would just rehat their people.” He said referring to the switch from UN blue helmets to NATO...

dine chez Virenque

dine chez Virenque  v.— «Cycling slang includes numerous terms for doping: “mess up the soup,” “pissing violet,” “having a magic suitcase,” “not riding on mineral water,” “loading the...

piss violet

piss violet  v.— «Cycling slang includes numerous terms for doping: “mess up the soup,” “pissing violet,” “having a magic suitcase,” “not riding on mineral water,” “loading the...