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Spendthrift Snollygosters

This week, it’s the language of politics. Martha and Grant discuss two handy terms describing politicians: far center and snollygoster. Also, a presidential word puzzle, false friends, spendthrifts, and a long list of 17th-century insults. So...

Faux Amis

Beware of false friends, those words that don’t translate the way you’d expect. For example, the word “gift” in German means “poison,” and the Spanish word “tuna” means “the fruit of the prickly...

manu militari

manu militari  n.— «Le Pen, 78, was first out of the box. During a candidates’ forum last week in Paris organized by Elle magazine, Le Pen, who describes himself as antiabortion, said he opposed the free distribution of condoms in schools...

faux chateau

faux chateau  n.— «Whether you call them by the pejorative moniker McMansions or more whimsical names such as Faux Chateaux or Starter Castles, super-sized houses are here—soon to be followed by negative impacts, according to...

starter castle

starter castle  n.— «Whether you call them by the pejorative moniker McMansions or more whimsical names such as Faux Chateaux or Starter Castles, super-sized houses are here—soon to be followed by negative impacts, according to...