rehab bag n.— «Even his latest accessory seemed almost too topical: a miniature ankle-strap purse based on a drug rehabilitation monitor. He called it the “rehab bag.”» —“Chanel Clings to Trends; YSL Hugs the Logo” by...
toetuck n.— «Another procedure is called a “toetuck,” where toes are made thinner, so patients can slip into pointy, high-heeled shoes.» —“Designer Toes: Foot Fashion At A Price” WYFF-TV (Greenville, South...
tennis tail n.— «Like in the original Lacoste’s design, sometimes a tennis shirt is cut so that the back hangs a few centimeters lower than the front also known as a “tennis tail.” The longer tail is meant to keep the shirt...
directional shoe n.— «Directional shoes: these might seem an instant updater, but they’re undignified. Conversely, clinging to the styles of yesteryear (that includes kitten heels) is also a bad idea.» —“Age-old...
trashion n.— «Old seatbelts. Newspapers. Recycled magazines. Fashion inspiration comes from strange places. Eco-chic bloggers even have a name for it: trashion. The handbags you see on this page are icons of reuse, transforming mundane...
heeling n.— «Even if one hasn’t had firsthand experience zipping across sidewalks on a pair of shoes with wheels in the heels, most everyone is familiar with “heeling,” as the activity is called.» —“Heelys Hazardous for...