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 n.— Â«In the classic “sweetheart” situation, corrupt union leaders accept or extort payoffs from employers in exchange for assuring labor peace or winking at contract violations.…[p. 14] The number of employers paying remarkably low sums into the pension fund yields one indication of how many pensions “sweethearting” may threaten.» â€”“Coal ‘Sweethearts’: UMW Tolerates Pay, Royalties Below Scale In More Small Mines” by Jerry Landauer Wall Street Journal Sept. 23, 1965. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Saying Oh for Zero

Mary Beth in Greenville, South Carolina, wonders: Why do we say four-oh-nine for the number 409 instead of four-zero-nine or four-aught-nine? What are the rules for saying either zero or oh or aught or ought to indicate that arithmetical symbol...