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Suss Out

What does the term suss out mean? It’s often heard in police and journalistic jargon, and means to “take a forensic approach to finding out an answer.” It probably derives from the verb “suspect.” This is part of a complete episode.

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  • I know this is old, but I’m catching up πŸ™‚

    I’ve not heard the word “suss” or “sussed” for many years, probably since I left school, and I’m in my early 40’s now. This was a popular term we used as kids in various forms.

    “Have you sussed out the problem yet?”

    “I’m going to suss out the combination for his locker”

    “I’m sussing out the answer right now”

    To me, it almost means to investigate or to look at. I didn’t think of it having its source in suspect.

    Thanks for the trip back to childhood πŸ™‚

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