spray and pray
v. phr.— «Spray and pray from tee to green, and then pray, brother, pray.» —“Sport Podge” by Rex Hess Mansfield News-Journal (Ohio) June 2, 1942. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
spray and pray
v. phr.— «Spray and pray from tee to green, and then pray, brother, pray.» —“Sport Podge” by Rex Hess Mansfield News-Journal (Ohio) June 2, 1942. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
David says that when he was growing up in Akron, Ohio, his family referred to the grassy area between the sidewalk and street as the devil strip. He’s since moved to Nashville, Tennessee, where he doesn’t hear that term. There are lots...
TTWWADI, (pronounced “tee-tee-waddy”) serves as a useful bit of shorthand for That’s The Way We’ve Always Done It. This is part of a complete episode.