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 n.β€” Note: According to the Oxford English Dictionary, skintling is “to separate and reset (half-dried bricks) at angles to each other, so as to complete the drying.” Β«The brick facade is as curious as anything. It’s a technique called “skintling,” but it looks like the bricklayer was hitting the sauce while he worked.Β» β€”β€œStorybook Style” by Sara Anne Corrigan Evansville Courier & Press (Indiana) Jan. 20, 2008. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

In a Pickle with Mustard on Top

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Hillary in Woodstock, Vermont, says she’s always pronounced mayonnaise as MY-oh-nayz. Is that pronunciation legit? The original French name of this cold, creamy sauce has never fully transitioned into English, so there are at least 15...