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 n.— «Sergebutts—Sergebutts, or just “butts,” are the Juniors. The name came from their uniforms. In the past, although it is no longer true, the uniforms worn by the underclasses were different than those worn by the upperclasses. When one became a junior, one first began to wear a uniform where the pants had extra material above the belt in the back. As with every Aggie tradition, I’m sure that there are conflicting histories as to their source, but this is the one that I heard.» —“What the heck does that mean?” by Owen Boots and Sabers (Milwaukee, Wisc.) Feb. 10, 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Canyondechelly - Singing Sand (episode #1546)

Singing Sand (episode #1546)

Cat hair may be something you brush off, but cat hair is also a slang term that means “money.” In the same way, cat beer isn’t alcoholic — some people use cat beer as a joking term for “milk.” And imagine walking on a...