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 n.— «Ted Dewan…has come up with the idea of “folk traffic calming.” This is where art installations meet road safety, a kind of sleeping policeman that’s been influenced by Damien Hirst. These type of “DIY traffic-calming happenings” are described by their creator as “roadwitches” and have included an 11-feet high rabbit, a big bed (for a sleeping policeman), a Casualty-style fake crash scene for Halloween and the setting up of a living room in the middle of the road.» —“Driving the argument home” by Sean Coughlan BBC News (U.K.) Nov. 22, 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Mystery Drawer (episode #1555)

Amid court-ordered busing in the 1970s, a middle-school teacher tried to distract her nervous students on the first day of class with this strange assignment: find a monarch caterpillar. The result? A memorable lesson in the miracle of metamorphosis...