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 n.— «This widespread popularity, unfortunately, has caused dissent among the die-hard enthusiasts. Just like any fad, a majority of the newest generation’s tuners are considered “posers,” as their intentions are antipodal to the true nature of the hobby: Performance. While style and flair have always been elements of tuner culture, the main goal has always been performance. Non-performance oriented modifications are deemed by many serious tuners as “rice,” a derogatory term coined during the golden age of tuning.» —“Hot Import Nights reveals tuner culture” by Paul Symansky in Boston College The Heights (Massachusetts) May 3, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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  • Waaait a minute. You’re just noticing this now? Rice is also a verb and adjective (riced-out). There’s a whole Flickr group, Got Rice?

    “Tuner” is to  “ricer” as “emoticon”  is to “smiley” – a euphemism used by people who feel superior to the topic.

  • No kidding. I’ve heard all those before: rice burner = an Asian-made motorcycle, motorbike or car; ricer = someone who mods inexpensive automobiles or cycles to make them look faster. But what I haven’t seen before is “rice” meaning the mods themselves.

    I’ve also got an entry for tuner car from two years ago.

    In any case, you, Joe, of all people follow this site enough to know that a cite is just a cite: it’s not a claim that it’s completely new to me, that I’ve never heard it before, that the catchword is brand-new or even kind of new, nothing. It simply means I thought it was worth noting.

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