Portunol n. a mixture of the Spanish and Portuguese languages, usu. spoken. Also Portunhol, Portuñol. Etymological Note: Sp. Portugués or Port. Portuguese + Sp. Español or Port. Espanhol (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
Portunol n. a mixture of the Spanish and Portuguese languages, usu. spoken. Also Portunhol, Portuñol. Etymological Note: Sp. Portugués or Port. Portuguese + Sp. Español or Port. Espanhol (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
In 1944, an Italian scientist discovered a drug that he later named for his wife. His wife’s name was Marguerite, but she went by Rita — which is why this now familiar drug is known as Ritalin. Plus, a poem about churning butter shows how a...
If you start the phrase when in Rome… but don’t finish the sentence with do as the Romans do, or say birds of a feather… without adding flock together, you’re engaging in anapodoton, a term of rhetoric that refers to the...
valeu mi cai la idomia do portunol