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 n.— «The growing practice of so-called “philfing” describes online stores holding back the real cost of “extras” until the last minute. Brian Trevaskiss, operations manager at MoreComputers.com, said: “Shopping online is without doubt quick and convenient. But this growing trend of ‘philfing’ is so annoying for consumers that they abandon their baskets and shop elsewhere.”» —“‘Philfing’ the new scourge of the net” by Ian Williams Vnutnet.com May 23, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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1 comment
  • Internet shoppers lose £100m in extra charges
    From http://www.computerweekly.com by Karl Flinders Monday 25 June 2007
    In a practice named “philfing” by e-tailer MoreComputers.com, websites hide extra charges such as delivery, credit-card surcharges and insurance costs.

Further reading

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