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Otto Pfister

Otto Pfister
 n.Note: Otto Pfister is a German-born football (US: soccer) coach who has led teams from across Africa and the Middle East. He is currently coach of a Sudanese team. «“I am strongly admonishing parents and guardians to pay special attention to their wards and the way they dress. This Otto Pfister way of dressing is totally unacceptable in Islam, therefore it is unIslamic,” he said. In Ghanaian parlance, “Otto Pfister” is a kind of dressing in which the youth, especially boys, intentionally pull their trousers down below the waistline to the extent of almost dropping off or exposing part of their buttocks.» —“No Apuskeleke Here” by Sheilla Sackey, Sylvanus Nana Kumi  Modern Ghana Homepage (Accra) Oct. 15, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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