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Newsletter In Brief

Hey, ho, here's a brief newsletter from "A Way with Words."

In this past weekend's episode we talked about new words, Dick's hatband, bye week, simping, the parson's nose, and more:


Also this past week, Martha took a look at the language of falconry in a minicast:


Here are some language-related stories we found:

A short history of stenography:


A contemplation on what makes language peevers peeve:


And the em-dash is eating semicolons for breakfast:


More next week!

Martha Barnette and Grant Barrett

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Further reading

Your Two Cents (episode #1558)

Astronauts returning from space say they experience what’s called the overview effect, a new understanding of the fragility of our planet and our need to reflect on what humans all share as a species. A book about the end of the universe...

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