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 adj.— «On one hand it is refreshing to see such motivation, and remembering my own “motarded-ness” when I was a brand new jarhead, freshmeat to my squadleaders… But on the other hand, it’s painfully disturbing to see someone so blinded by the reality that although we do have the best military around, it is FAR from perfect, and horribly mismanaged, mishandled, misinformed.» —“Navy Medicine—part 2″ by nonlethal Student Doctor Network Forums Oct. 29, 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Janet in Montgomery, Alabama, reports that a day after she had surgery on her hand, the wound burst open, and a doctor noted that her wound dehisced. She’s used to hearing dehisce used in botany to mean the splitting of a plant structure to...

Canyondechelly - Singing Sand (episode #1546)

Singing Sand (episode #1546)

Cat hair may be something you brush off, but cat hair is also a slang term that means “money.” In the same way, cat beer isn’t alcoholic — some people use cat beer as a joking term for “milk.” And imagine walking on a...