Home Β» Dictionary Β» Mortarville


Mortarville n. a military base subject to regular attack. Also Mortaritaville. Editorial Note: Mortaritaville seems to refer specifically to Camp Anaconda near Balad, Iraq, although an informant says that a giant, multicolored “Welcome to Mortaritaville” sign was displayed at Log Base Seitz (also known as Seitzkatraz/Impact Zone Seitz) in late 2003. The variant Mortaritaville is probably a play on the Jimmy Buffett song “Margaritaville.” A mortar is β€˜a muzzle-loading high-angle gun with a short barrel that fires shells at high elevations for a short range,’ according to WordNet. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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  • I am just writing to confirm that that sign was posted at Log Base Seitz.  I was there from ‘04 to ‘05 and witnessed it being there.  Also, to quote Shane Bernskoetter in “Surviving Twighlight”; a book on the going ons of Log Base Seitz, “…there was an article in the “Stars and Stripes” newspaper about Camp Anaconda…In the article they tossed out numbers for Anaconda:
    15 square miles of fenced in area
    25,000 troops and contractors living there
    6 deaths due to mortar attacks
    100 wounded by mortar attacks
    This made me think about [Log Base Seitz] numbers:
    0.15 square miles of fenced in area
    less than 1,000 troops and contractors living here
    4 deaths due to mortar attacks
    50 wounded by mortar attacks…
    Calculating the numbers show that we have:
    (4 deaths/.14 sq miles)/(6 deaths/15 sq miles)=71.4 times more deaths per square mile of base territory
    (4 deaths/1000 people)/(6 deaths/25000 people)=16.7 times as many deaths per 1000 people.”
    pg. 266 under (18 Oct. 2004) Chapter 2.
    I hope I’ve made my point.  Camp Anaconda is no where near Log Base Seitz in relation to receiving such a name as Mortaritaville.  I’ve lived there.  I should know.

  • Nowhere in the entry does it say that Camp Anaconda is near Log Base Seitz. So your information is very welcome but your correction is misdirected.

  • I to was at Log Base seitz and it was Mortarville. I left April 2004 I was there when 35 were injured. It hit our bay 11 of my fellow soldiers were apart of 35. My bay was hit 3x. I took a long time to get better after coming home.

  • I was as Log Base Seitz from April 03 to April 2004. We formed the base out of an old Republican Army Base that Iraqi Soldiers had abandoned once the 3rd ID had taken the airport. I was a member of the 541st CSB and we ran the base. It truely was mortaritaville since the numbers are approximately 310 confirmed hits on the base in the 340 days I was there but that is just a rough estimate. I am trying to write a book on the happenings that are going on there and if anyone would like to contact me:  brockhager@yahoo.com. Safe travels and Godspeed all you soldiers (brothers and sisters) out there. It has been over 2 years and I still have the memories fresh in my mind.

  • HHC, 541st Maintenance Battalion “Pacesetters” was at Log Base Seitz which has since then modularized in late 2005 into the 541st Combat Sustainment Support Battalion (CSSB) and is no longer a part of III Corps; they now support 1st Infantry Division’s DISCOM.

    HHC and 1st Maintenance Company of 541st CSSB is on their 2nd deployment to Iraq at Camp Liberty in Baghdad.

  • I to was at Log Base Seitz from 02 to 03. It does deserve the name given to it Mortaritaville . I am apart of HHC 151 SIG BN. I still have the place fresh in my mind.

  • I was there also. I was part of the 24th Trans Co.  We named it Mortaritaville long before someone stole the name for Anaconda. On my second tour I was on Anaconda. Trust me when I say this, Anaconda is nowhere near as bad or deserving as Log Base Seitz.

  • i was on log base seitz for 2005. I don’t want to hear how bad Anaconda was, i was on a convoy that overnighted there for a few days, it was like being on pass.

  • Log base Seitz was a hell hole. the most mortared site in Iraq at the time. It made national news too many times to keep track of! Remember Josh Knowles the first KIA of seitz.

  • As derock says it will live in our minds for the rest of our lives.  RIP JLK.  I just hope they bulldozed that place to the ground nothing more than a mortar magnet.

  • I was also stationed there at Log Base Seitz from 2003-2004.  It was hell on earth! I will never forget what we went through out there.  I wish that place could be leveled to the ground.  No one should ever have to endure what we went through.  I was there when the sign was painted.  One of my Sgt’s was the one that painted it, along with the other paiting on the little px we had there.  My God bless all of the soldiers that have fought, and the ones that are still fighting today. madchan3249@yahoo.com

  • I was stationed there from 2004-2005 and agree with everyone here, Seitz, was no vacation, RIP Melvin Mora

    SGT Keith Miller U.S. Army Reserve 245th Maint.
    Now SSgt Air Force Reserve

  • I lived on Seitz from Mar 04 to Jan 05 and it was by far the worst you know the mortars that never ended and all of our casualties and it never stops.

    Sgt. Marquez, Michael M.

  • This name belongs to Log Base Seitz.  There were hardly any injuries at Anaconda per capita when compared to LBS.  I lived in that “square mile of hell” from March 04-Feb 05

    SGT (then SPC) Raymond Phillips
    308th Quartermaster Company

  • Has anyone been there in the last year? A good friend just shipped out for Seitz and info regarding the base is sketchy at best. God bless to all who served and continue.

  • I am headed to Seitz within a month. I was stationed in anacondabefore and all the numbers that were rattled off are not accurate. The reason there were more deaths in Seitz was due to its size. Mortars are a short distance weapon so in the case of camp anaconda, everything is centrally located mostly in the middle of the base.

  • I was in Seitz from may 2003 until Dec 2003 with A. Co.  151 Sig.  I see a fellow soldier from my bn. has posted too.  That place is a literal Hell and needs to be shut down.  I still have nightmares from my experiences.  Many of my fellow soldiers do to.  Good luck to all of you still in that Hell. And prayers for you all

  • I was at LBS 04-05 and the kaos that was. I went back to visit it in 2006 and it was still the hell hole we all remember, although many things have changed. I also have been at Anaconda for the past 16 months as a civilian and there is no comparing the two. I lived without fear of losing my friends and co-workers at Camp Anaconda, at Seitz all I wandered was who would get hit next. Anaconda “Mortaritaville” my ASS!!

  • I have been removed from Seitz for almost two years.  Last weekend my new unit was put on Alert, that sucks, and then I saw the place where we were going, that is right Log Base Seitz.  I had the worst case of Flash backs than any other time at that moment.  I was transported back to Seitz in a matter of seconds.  I found myself at the VA clinic the next Monday.  For those who have PTSD, you know what I am talking about.  Only God can help PTSD.

  • God must not like Preston. You can not go back there. I thought it was only a day post and no over nights.

  • PBS ran a program re: Anaconda. It was truly awesome, until they starting digging into the blank-check management by the contractors.

    At first, I thought the “food court” was one of the best morale boosters ever conceived. Then it was revealed that the contractor was billing the taxpayers $48/serving.

    If that’s what it really takes, well, our soldiers deserve it, but the contractor, KBR (Halliburton), and Dick Cheney, cannot justify blatant profiteering.

  • I would have to agree with anyone who says log base sietz was and most likely still is a shit hole.
    I was there from 03-04 with the 1555th water det.  Lucky for us we only had to live in log base for a few months since there was no water to clean on log base.
    I dont know if anyone on here got the 541st coin that they gave all the units.  I was the person who came up with the map designe for the back.

  • I was in the 1544th (04-05) at
    Seitz and believe me it was no vacation. We had 5 KIA and way to many injured to even think of counting. But I could definitely go to margaritaville anytime, just no more mortars.

  • OIF1, Log Base Seitz, 2003-2004. (Wheel Mechanic for 16th QM Co.)

    Sorry Derock! I have to correct you; PFC Jesse D. Mizener from the 541st was the first LBS KIA, 7 Jan 04. That was the night before 16QM rolled out for Kuwait for redeployment, and I remember it all too well.

    SPC Kowles died on/around 5 FEB 04.
    God Bless them and their loved ones…

    Blessed Be~
    SGT Rehe, Rhonda

  • Thanks to everyone for posting and keeping everyone informed. I was the Supply Sergeant for HHD 541CSB from apr 03-04. I got the coin too!!! what a good memory.

    I would be happy too if they bulldozed it to the ground.

  • I was at at log base seits in 03-04 as apart of the 24th trans Co under the 541st and not only was it the mortering going on but it was the 541st battalion commander that made life hell too. I won’t ever forget that time we spent in Sietz.But the solders made it fun I think we should get COMBAT ACTION BADGES (CAB) for that time.Peace

  • It definently was mortarville.  I was there from Feb.04 to Jan 04 with the 245th Maint. Co.  We were mortared over 120 times. The few times we had a 3 week break from attacks was hell too!  It left you thinking you were over due. You just knew it was coming.  It was also such a small base.  You could stand in the middle and see across it in all directions. Has anyone else come home with liver and thyroid issue?  They blew up the warehouse behind are barracks that contained pesticides and other chemicals.  It burned for 3 days.  Please email if you know of others that had issues at joseph.clarkson@us.army.mil

  • i was on log base seitz from january 05 to november 05… i have a lot of great memories, but i agree with everyone that i was a hell hole that was mortared constantly. i was part of the 546th asmc and we were the medics for the base for that year..

  • i was at Seitz from jan 05 to dec 05 and let me tell you, that name is well deserving. i remember my first day there, we got there in time for chow and thats when i heard a sound that would stick with me for life. it was the sound of the alarm from tower 3. 157QM force protection was our life. we were welcomed by a mortar attack. Anaconda was like paradise.

  • I was at Log Base Seitz from Mar 05-Dec 05.  I worked in the Towers as well as a RTO.  It is a place that I will never forget.  This little place in the corner that basically lived day by day…. A place thet was just forgotten, and a place noone staying at Victory wanted to visit… Why?  Your reading why in all the comments. Those that were there during my deployment (esp at San Quentin), we were all each other had..We were family.  Anaconda????  Mortorville????  We cannot be serious….  Soldiers would and still do get excited to know they are going on a convoy to Anaconda….the resort of Iraq.

  • I was at Annaconda from 04-05 and we never called mortaritaville then.. we just called it braggdahd because almost everyone there was from the 18th airborne corps.

    i just recently went through there a few months ago and now the PAX terminal has a big WELCOME TO MOTARITAVILLE sign up.  kinda funny cause i lived there for a year and the alarms are annoying but the mortars rarely hit anything important.

    you log base guys can have the name

    LSA Annaconda is iraqs club med

  • Thanks to everyone who is posting and keeping our voices heard.

    I posted earlier. Still waiting to hear on updates about LBS. Hope they bulldoze it. Lost 4 (or 5?) from APR 03-04. Bless everyone who has and will make it out of there.

    brockhager@yahoo – anyone is welcome to Email me.  God Bless and Godspeed…

  • I was also stationed on log base seitz between 2003-2004, i can honestly say it was hell.. and the camp really doesnt need to be there. They should burn it down the mission in iraq will still be the same without it

  • I was stationed at LBS from feb04-feb05. I’m now stationed at Camp Taji, Iraq. I’m hoping to get down to VBC to hop on a ride to Seitz for a QUICK visit. I’d like to see the place again, but I sure as HELL won’t stay very long.

  • I was stationed on Log Base Seitz when 541st and 53rd QM rolled up on the base.  53rd Built that base through detail and being one of the first one on the base.  We had the largest company and led the way. I have the memories as well of all the attacks and deaths.  We are the true MORTARITAVILLE… I was there in 03-04
    by SGT Dombkowski

  • damn ski you remember when we first got there and were emptying all the warehouses out and burning all that stuff and we were by the fire pit throwing those wood things out and that thing blew up in the fire that was crazy we really were mortar ville and i am glad we all made it home i can still remember trying to stop the bleeding on that new reservist sgt phipps head when he hit by that mortar in the head

  • Other than Brandon I’m suprised no other 1544th guys have posted on Seitz.

    Yeah, we left there with 5 less friends…yeah too many of us got jacked up there…

    Yeah, Annaconda being called “mortaritaville” is a joke…

    Oh well…

    I’ve noticed that for all the horror our company went through you don’t see too much posted up online.  Just like Brandon, I’d gladly go back…just minus the mortars.

    That place made you realize just how lucky you were to be alive each day, and the friends and memories that came from it can’t be made anywhere else.

  • Could any of you please tell me if you know what was in the bladders on the transportation trailers that exploded in the early morning hours of November 21, 2003.  I was working in the South Gate Tower when several 60 mm white phospherous rounds came into Log Base Seitz.  Also, if any of you could remember the approximate dates of the pesticide burnings Joseph Clarkson was commenting on above that would be very helpful also.  I do not have those dates in my journal….My email is mparrish5830@charter.net

    I was SPC Melanie Parrish from A Co. 151 Sig Bn…. we were there from May 03 to Jan 04

  • One other thing…..If anyone knows Augustin Estrada.  I think he was in 1133rd Trans, for sure he was in transportation unit and an E6 or E7 and how to get in touch with him could you please let me know or forward my email to him?  Thanks!  Melanie Parrish.  mparrish5830@charter.net

  • I’ve checked this site a number of times over the years because sometimes it is good to look back and remember what we did on tht little piece of ground.  The Soldiers that worked many hard hours in incredible heat and under very challenging cuircumstances are the reson the flag waves over our country…not becuase what they did every day was heroic but the fact that every dy they stood their ground, facing an enemy and never backing down.  I was and still am very proud to be a part of that little base.  In fact 2003-2004 is the only reason I stayed in the Army and a few weeks agoi I walked across Log Base Seitz.  Many of you will be glad to know it received its last mortar in Nov 2007, almost one year ago.  Soldiers still live in those warehouses only now they have huge steel structures over them.  The bunkers are long gone, replaced by concrete bunkers above ground…but the sand bags filled and holes dug provided us what we needed.  I’m sad to see that many of you live with the nightmares those days caused but I’m glad to see that you can talk about them.  Many will never understand why we did waht we did but the way we did it kept us safer than we would have been otherwise..we’d been given our mission and that was our piece of ground, we defended it well and we accomplsihed our mission.  I too will never forget Jesse Mizener (7 January 2004), Josh Knowles (5 February 2004) or Ivory Phipps (17 March 2004) they gave their lives for a cause much greater than any of us, and we all gave a little bit of ourselves on that small piece of ground.
    Thanks for all of you who served here on the original Mortaritaville, I know it was…I’m the one that named it that in October 2003 and asked that young lady to paint me a sign.  I wish now, looking back, that I’d never had a reason to think about nicknaming the base that, but I did.  Looking back tody though I know I served with some of the best officers, NCO’s and Soldiers that were in the Army at the time.
    I wouldn’t ever take anything for it.  Thanks to each of you for being Soldiers.

  • I was also there in 2003- 2004. It sure was something I will NEVER experience again. It was Rose Skeet who drew the Mortaritaville sign and stuck it in front of the PX. Looking at the picture from present time to the pictures in my memories. What a change. Good luck to everyone that is at LBS now and to all those who will be stationed there in the future. Not all times were bad. I have made some life long friends on that base. And had some real good times.

  • 24TH TRANS. CO (541st) Ft. Riley,

    LSA Apr03/Apr04
    LSA ANACONDA BALAD Dec04/(Feb05)

    My brother was in the 24th Trans Co. Iraq 03-04, 12/04-02/05.  (Also part of HHC 541st -HHC) In December 2004, his unit was redeployed to LSA Balad.  Jeffrey (Spc. Jeffrey Stuart Henthorn, 25 Choctaw, Oklahoma) never mentioned to any of us of the horrid living conditions that soldiers had to put up with daily.  I’m glad that I found this, because it helps shed some light into an otherwise dark mystery.  Please don’t take this in the wrong way, but, those of you who served with him, I’m at a loss for words for none of you EVER (as far as we know) showing our family sympathy…or contacting us…NOTHING!!  I know one thing for sure, Kevin Ward is an idiot…not to mention, a denying COWARD!!  Even his friends Chris and Derek, who came and went fishing with my other sister, Jayme, and her husband, Todd have never contacted us.  I’m leaving this post in HOPES that at least someone will contact us…we just want to know what all he went through that made this outgoing, funloving, and very funny guy take his life into his own hands.  It’s quite different when you lose someone to suicide.  The pain never ends, mostly because you never have a reason for understanding.  We understand he was hurting, what we don’t understand is why we were the last ones to know about numerous incidents of Jeffrey trying to take his life?  I wake with it every morning, I carry it as I sleep…at times it’s overwhelming.  Doesn’t matter if you like someone or not, if you served with them, esp. in times of war…The very least you owe that Soldier is your respect.  I made darn sure that Jeff didn’t die for NOTHING…remember back in 06, how things within your chain of command HAD to change when it concerned your mental health???  Well, thanks to my relentless emailing and blogging, someone sent me an email about being interested in my families story…JEFFREY’S STORY. (btw..YOUR VERY WELCOME!!!) I stepped up and told our story when other families were to scared to say the real reason…my dad and I then collected signatures for a bill to be ammended for AD and RET military…Jeff was a person that had a family, children, parents, sisters…Ya know, I was the one who answered the door to two offficers standing on the other side! When I finally realized that what was being told to me was that Jeff was GONE..not hurt, but dead…my next thought DIDN’T go towards my folks, or andyone else in our family, 000not even his boys.  NO, MY NEXT THOUGHT WENT TO ALL OF YOU WHO SERVED WITH HIM AT THAT TIME!!!  I kept asking “Is anyone else in his unit hurt?  Please tell me they’re ok, was it an IED…mortar…?”  My concern fell on his “friends”, his fellow war buddies, and was relieved when I was told that “It was a single casuality…” It took them days to say he committed suicide, and to make matters worse, we waited over a year for the CID report. I’m very sorry for all the pain you must deal with daily now because of the memories you’ve been left with in the wake of this war. My heart cries out for you and your loved ones who watch you suffer.  Our family deals with the daily pain and NEVERENDING GUILT of feeling to blame for loosing Jeff, but however, we just had glimpses of his suffering.  And every day that passes with nothing being heard from you only compounds our suffering.  So, I beg of you, please help this family find some sense of closure, and let us finally get on with the healing process.
    P L E A S E ! ! !

  • It is amazing to me that one word can conjur up so many horrid memories.  I was in LBS for a short time, I was with the 1555th Water Treatment company, but I worked in the PX that bore the sign.  Even though I was there for a short time, the memories and horrific events of the place are still very vivid.  I am greatful that our mission sent us to a safer area, but sympathize with those whose entire tour was on the place.  I hope we are all stronger and no longer haunted by the year there, however I know that is a lofty goal.  I worked at the PX for a short time December 2003 to March 2004, I remember so many wonderful faces but the names have escaped me, if anyone would like to keep in touch I’d love to hear from ya, I was the female PX worker, with SGT Merrick (Female), my e-mail is hawkoffee@msn.com.  And if any one wants a speical order, let me know, I’ll write it down, and when we take the duce and a half to the warehouse, we’ll be sure to pick it up, if they have it πŸ™‚

  • Wow! I’m glad I came across this thread, it has been awhile since I’ve heard others describe the happenings on LBS; a lot of the events described above are ingrained in my memory for life. Those of you who served with me at LBS Apr 03 – Apr 04 know the hardships we endured and ultimately overcame, just remember if the risks we took weren’t so great then those bonds we developed wouldn’t be so strong (you all know how we feel about each other).

    I was in 542nd Maint. Co. out of JBLM (the installation formerly known as Ft. Lewis), we were attached to the 541st CSB post boots on ground. My MOS was 63W/63B & I was a HEMMTT Wrecker operator, we played a key role in ensuring LBS was always mission ready. We recovered so many pieces of equipment within that year; it has to be some sort of record. By the time we were scheduled to redeploy we were so desensitized to the possibility that we may be hit by the next mortar lobbed into our compound that many of us started ignoring the warning alarms, β€œif it’s gonna hit me, it’s gonna hit me,” became our mantra. I can remember thinking things like β€œI ain’t scurred” (scared), β€œcan’t faze me.” I guess when you’re between the ages of 18-24 (like a majority of us were) you feel invincible and it’s hard to process how the events of today will shape tomorrow.

    I agree with COL Higdon’s interpretation regarding LBS, although it was dangerous the mission was never compromised & the experiences (good & bad) we faced have played a big part in who we have become today. We cannot live with constant regret and/animosity (it will eat you up), we must embrace our hardships to truly understand why? Why we lost so many of our friends and family? Why our country would subject us to such harsh conditions/situations? Why we decided to commit specific actions whilst in combat? Why we aren’t the same as we were prior to these undertakings? These are questions we’ve all struggled with; in order to adequately deal with the effects of the significant trauma’s we endured we have to find the light in these seemingly only dark circumstances. The day Jesse Mizner was KIA I wasn’t but 30′ away from him when that 60mm mortar crashed through the roof and sprayed hot metal all over the bay, I saw so many people drop, so many injured, so many scared for their lives but I also learned a lot about myself at that moment. We pulled together and started performing 1st Aid on our buddies, applying pressure dressings, making litters, running people from 542nd and other units to the medics, and quite a few to the medevac halos. My battle buddy, Tyler Mata and I ended up carrying multiple soldiers out of that mess, each of them survived. I was right there applying 1st Aid on others while my squad leader Duane Furbush put all of his heart and soul into trying to save Jess’s life, I feel for him, I know Furbush felt guilty as if he could have stopped it from happening if he got there sooner, if his training was better, if, if, ifÒ€¦ He couldn’t do any more than he did, it was a screwed up deal but it was what we got dealt. We are soldiers, we adapt and overcome, we are Army Strong because3 we are an Army of One (maybe cliché and regurgitated but so true). Furbush has become a pretty successful guy after he ETS’d from active duty, and I’m sure he could attribute much of his success to his leanings from the incidents that occurred on LBS (if you see this Furb, correct me if I’m wrong). Jesse Mizner’s death although sad and unfair to his family (who are great, very honorable family) has made us better soldiers, family members, members of society, ultimately better human beings from our core. Do not forget the power of life and death as it can stagger even the best of us. You all have so much value/potential and once each of us can learn to deal with and help each other the deal with the traumas associated with our service/sacrifice for our country then great successes, accomplishments, and victories will be displayed from my peep’s. You all have it in you to be leaders who create real change in this world of corruption, tyranny, and cruelty. You are not alone, if you ever need anybody to talk to we are here, all around you, you just have to reach out. I do not want to hear about any of you dealing with struggles which are outside your ability to correct w/o support, PTSD is no joke. Let somebody know if you are struggling, PLEASE! We/I will be there for youÒ€¦

    I probably missed some stuff I meant to cover when I started drafting this post, but you get my drift of what I’m saying.

  • I remember watching the hajis shooting mortars at us from in the city about 800 or so meters away. It was the first time I actually saw them in action lobbing rounds at us. And I was in that tower every day for months and was on duty during MANY of our attacks. I returned fire and walked my tracers right in to them. I saw one dude fall and the other ones picked up the tube and the guy that fell and piled in the back of a pickup and sped off. They only got off like 4 mortar rounds instead of the usual 12-15. The next thing I know, the battalion xo jumps up in my tower and is quizzing me about the max effective range of my weapon. I looked at him like “fuck you, they were just shooting at us and I shot back”. Am I supposed to just watch this happen? Then I had to got to the TOC and explain to them what happened. That was on groundhog day Feb 2nd 2004.
    I also vividly remember watching from my tower when Josh Knowles was killed. I heard the rounds launch but I had no comes with the convoy out on the road that Josh was in. I knew the rounds were incoming and I was literally leaning out of the tower waving my arms trying to get their attention when the rounds started hitting right on top of the trucks. I think it was the third impact that landed on Josh’s truck. I was on the radio trying to get medic out the gate to the convoy but they sent to medics to their barracks. They did not know the convoy was outside the gate. It was really frustrating.
    I still have shrapnel fragments from there as well as some of my brass from shooting the hajis out of my tower. That place sucked.

  • Hello I don’t know if anyone still looks at this but I’m SPC Michael Crabtree I’ve had to look a we things up online about dates for refrences. I’ve had a tough time since I left the army mostly dealing with things that happened at seitz. The biggest problem I’m having now is that since I was not awarded a CAB or anything I have to fill out a PTSD stressor so I have to find out dates of when things happened one date I can’t remember is the day a mortar ripped through 24th trans roof a hit Lt. Bown if anyone can help contact me at miketlc1983@gmail.com

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