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 n.— «The TSA aims to have 500 “behavior detection officers” (BDOs) in airports by the end of this year. The job of the BDOs will be that of examining passengers for “body language and facial cues… for signs of bad intentions.” They look for what the experts call “micro-expressions.” Fear and disgust are the key ones, he said, because they’re associated with deception. That would make me a prime candidate for scrutiny and possibly trouble because if I ever had to go through airport security procedures, I would have those “micro-expressions” of disgust and fear of arrest.» —“Airport Tyranny” by Walter E. Williams Townhall.com June 18, 2008. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Smack Dab (episode #1652)

A flashlight emits a steady beam of light. So what’s the flash part of that word about? Also, if you’re a nervous Nellie, you’re skittish and indecisive—both characteristics of an American politician who earned that nickname in the...

Are There Languages That Aren’t Very Idiomatic?

Joey from Orono, Minnesota, has been learning Italian and its many idioms, which makes him wonder if there are other languages that can simply be learned in a classroom without input from a larger cultural context of new and evolving expressions...