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 n.— «I hate a KLPD as much as you do, but heck, nothing worthwhile comes in an instant.…So let us go the systematic route, by listing some more helpful ideas & things before we get oil on our hands.…Whoever says India does not protect Intellectual Property, curb piracy, etc must try to get the workshop manual or a spare copy of the owner’s manual!…When you finally manage to get it, THEN you know what a KLPD REALLY is!…They haven’t been seriously updated in donkey’s years, they are often misleading.» —“Zen & the info for Bullet maintenance: Part 2″ by B.R. Gurunandan Cybersteering.com (India) Apr. 16, 2002. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

English’s Borrowings from Asian Languages

The English language has been greatly enriched by borrowings from the languages of Asia. Barely scratching the surface, we have from Japan skosh, tycoon, tsunami, origami, yen, kimono, futon, and karaoke. From Chinese comes yen, kowtow, gung ho, and...