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 adj.— «Bud Burdick of Omaha will be one of Thursday night’s top entries in the modified stock car racing program.…Thursday’s card…will be highlighted by the “hully gully” finale.» —“Burdick Vies ni [sic] Riverside Races” Nonpareil (Council Bluffs, Iowa) July 9, 1953. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Smack Dab, Smack Jam, and Smack Bang

Kerry from Omaha, Nebraska, wonders why smack dab means “precisely in the middle.” Long used in Appalachia and the American South to make a term more emphatic, smack also appears in such phrases as right smack now and smack jam and smack...

The Whited Sepulchre

Debbie from Keokuk, Iowa, shares a funny story about her family’s tradition of speed-cleaning the house if guests were coming over. Her mother would declare, “Quick, guys! Whited sepulchre approach!” Her use of the term whited...