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hog-dogging n. 1. a (blood) sport in which trained dogs corner (wild) pigs; 2. showing off; hot-dogging. Editorial Note: Though both are often called hog-dogging, some participants make a distinction between hog-baying, in which the dogs are only permitted to howl, bark, and bay to keep the hogs in check, and hog-dogging, in which the dogs are permitted to fight and bite the hogs. The former activity is usually part of a hog dog rodeo and the latter is not. Etymological Note: The two 1995 citations (from the same journalist) and the second 1999 citation probably illustrate a form of hot-dog ‘to show off; to make ostenatious displays of behavior’ and have no relation to the sport hog-dogging. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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1 comment
  • I had no idea human beings especially in this “Civilized”?? country would stoop to this. These people are really sick. What cruelty. Too bad they can’t take their turn in the ring and find out what it’s like to be the pig. It is a bit surreal to me to see people so out of touch with other living things. If there is a problem with ferrel pigs they should put them down humanely but there is no excuse for the horrible disgusting practice.

Further reading

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