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 n.— «Ethanol, dressed down as a mere granola greenscam, is the lingua franca of politicians whose mainstay is corporate welfare. They arrange government subsidies, and the corporations arrange campaign friendships. It’s like a Pez refill they all use. Press again, ethanol again. Your money goes in, inefficient fuel comes out, and your money goes into ADM’s well-padded pockets.» —“So why is butter costing a buck a stick?” by Lauren Daystar51 May 15, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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  • Grant, to be exact, I, Lauren, am the author of the blog Daystar51, and I am the original source. You can use Lauren, but “the author of Daystar51” with the link might be more accurate. Thanks.

Further reading

Kiss the Cow (episode #1567)

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Your Two Cents (episode #1558)

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