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 n.— «The men and boys would wade out into the waters of the Savannah, and it was called graplin’. They would run their hands under the rocks and grab an object that was not a rock. Many times I saw a snake being hurled across the water. Some wiser and experienced men would fix a hook on a thimble and grab, therefore the term, grablin.’» —“Jolly green johnny” Independent-Mail (Anderson, S.C.) July 17, 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Punched, Bored, or Drifted

Penny in Savannah, Georgia, recalls that her father, a Navy veteran who served in the South Pacific, would say of someone who was clueless or didn’t know what he was talking about: That person doesn’t know if he’s punched, bored...

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