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fuck-me factor

fuck-me factor
 n.— «Ever since Jagger emerged from a mechanical lotus flower in 1975, such audience-bewitching coups have been deemed essential to every Stones tour. They are known, in Stones patois, as the “f***-me factor.”» —“Band aid” by Robert Sandall Times (London, United Kingdom) Aug. 27, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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  • Not to belabor the obvious, but that phrase, minus the “factor” appendage, is an interjectional slang term used when something has a “mind-blowing” characteristic, i.e. something which is stupefying, jaw-dropping, or in some other way causes a person to be overwhelmed by the stimulation of their sensory input.

  • It can also be made use of at times when people consider themselves to be in dire mortal danger and might doubt their chance or ability to avoid ultimate catastrophe–again, minus the “factor” appendage. The addition of the word “factor” simply refers to a situation where the condition comes into play.

Further reading

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