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An Omaha, Nebraska, listener has a word for using Google Earth to fly around the planet virtually and zoom in on far-flung locations: floogling, a combination of flying and Googling. This is part of a complete episode.

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  • Floogling
    An Omaha, Nebraska, listener has a word for using Google Earth to fly around the planet virtually and zoom in on far-flung locations: floogling, a combination of flying and Googling.
    From A Way with Words โ€“ Whistle in the Dark, Posted by Grant Barrett on December 12, 2016

    My first exposure to Flugel was to listen to a Flugelhorn reference from the Sing Off 2013 when Kevin Olusola did an a Capella version of a horned instrument during their performance and the contest judge Shawn Stockman mentioned flugelhorn in his review as a Flugelhorn. The implementation was a trumpet-like horn during The Sing-Off 2013 when Pentatonix preformed Piece of My Heart originally by Janis Joplin. Ben Folds one of the other judges called it a trumpet and adapted the usage to Flugelhorn. Therefore, I assumed it related to a musical instrument. If you were to go flugeling then it involved playing music i.e. playing a trumpet.

    By the way, I am a native Nebraskan- born, raised and educated in the state of Nebraska.

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