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 n.— Â«My own understanding of it went something like this: “Flarf” is a collage-based method which employs Google searches, specifically the partial quotes which Google “captures” from websites. In its early manifestations it was VERY whimsical and went something like this: you search Google for 2 disparate terms, like “anarchy + tuna melt”—using only the quotes captured by Google (never the actual websites themselves) you stitch words, phrases, clauses, sentences together to create poems.» â€”“The Flarf Files” by Michael Magee Poetics Syllabi by Charles Bernstein (Buffalo, N.Y.) Aug. 22, 2003. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Tummy Egg

After misunderstanding the term tummy ache as tummy egg, a three-year-old has questions. This is part of a complete episode.


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