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 n.— «My own understanding of it went something like this: “Flarf” is a collage-based method which employs Google searches, specifically the partial quotes which Google “captures” from websites. In its early manifestations it was VERY whimsical and went something like this: you search Google for 2 disparate terms, like “anarchy + tuna melt”—using only the quotes captured by Google (never the actual websites themselves) you stitch words, phrases, clauses, sentences together to create poems.» —“The Flarf Files” by Michael Magee Poetics Syllabi by Charles Bernstein (Buffalo, N.Y.) Aug. 22, 2003. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Tummy Egg

After misunderstanding the term tummy ache as tummy egg, a three-year-old has questions. This is part of a complete episode.


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