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 n.— «Why just haiku? I wanted something that required more precision. That led me to a six line, 20 syllable poem with a syllable count by line of 1/1/2/3/5/8—the classic Fibonacci sequence. In short, start with 0 and 1, add them together to get your next number, then keep adding the last two numbers together for your next one. It’s a wonderful sequence, and it’s one that is repeated in nature (most famously in nautilus shells). Heck, some folks use it in knitting and music,…and, as much as I’d like to say I invented a new form of poetry, these sequences have been part of various poetic structures since before Fibonacci’s time. However, “the Fib” is my take on the idea, complete with a wicked cool name, if I say so myself.» —“The Fib” by Gregory Pincus GottaBook (Los Angeles, California) Apr. 1, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

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