
The Double-Tongued Dictionary (formerly Double-Tongued Word Wrester) was originally a web lexicon of new words and fringe English compiled and edited by A Way with Words co-host Grant Barrett and volunteers since 2004. In 2012, the dictionary was merged with this website. It is still being updated with newly found words and expressions from all corners of English. Read about the merger, including more information about the dictionary’s contents. Entries may include obscene language or adult themes. Search the dictionary.

White Tiles

alpha gent

alpha gent  n.— «“I like to think we’re producing a magazine for the…“ He pauses, and adopts the self-conscious twinkle of a marketing man with a buzz word to unleash: “Alpha Gent!”» —“Men’s Health – Arrival of...

Scrabble Tiles 1

dragon slayer

dragon slayer  n.— «Kawakami, who bless his heart now resides in the bullpen, often called the “dragon slayer” for his efforts against big time opposing pitchers.» —“Why These Atlanta Braves Will Go Deep” by...

White Tiles

shy bowel

shy bowel  n.— «Parcopresis is the phobia assigned to those who absolutely cannot do number two in a public restroom. This phobia is also termed as “shy bowel” because the sufferer, your date, must have a certain level of privacy before...

Tiles On Wood


projectable  adj.— «There are exceptions, of course. But most of the pitchers who get drafted can either throw in the low 90s or are, in the parlance, “projectable.” Which essentially means that a scout can look at the kid and...

White Tiles


stockering  n.— «Calves that have been weaned and are intended for sale as commercial feeder cattle, but that have not yet been placed in the feedlot, are commonly referred to as stocker cattle. Immediate demand for stocker cattle is...

White Tiles

cut sign

cut sign  v. phr.—Gloss: To track someone by their trail marks. Note: Used inside the US Customs and Border Protection, which patrols the United States border. «He knew that the coyotes who led groups of undocumented workers, as well as...