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 n.— Â«In only their first step into the New American Century, they have been famously blind-sided by a rabble of dead-enders in Iraq. They promised our boys and girls nothing but garlands and cheers by the populace, which turned out to be bullets and bombs.» â€”“Shapes, of Things to Come” by Phil Toler Axis of Logic May 12, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

The Have-in-It

A listener shares a funny childhood misunderstanding: Her four-year-old kept referring to something in the have-in-it. It took a while before she realized the word he meant was cabinet. The family got such a kick out of the boy’s logic that...

Herd of Turtles (episode #1587)

Some college students are using the word loyalty as a synonym for monogamy. Are the meanings of these words now shifting? Plus, a biologist discovers a new species of bat, then names it after a poet he admires. Also, warm memories of how a childhood...