Cutting circumbendibus is that thing you do when you spot someone you really don’t want to talk to, so you dart across an alley or do anything to avoid saying hello. This is part of a complete episode.
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Cutting circumbendibus is that thing you do when you spot someone you really don’t want to talk to, so you dart across an alley or do anything to avoid saying hello. This is part of a complete episode.
The cardboard cylinder left after the last sheet of toilet, tissue, or wrapping paper comes off the roll has inspired families to make up a lot of names for the tube or the sounds you can make with it. These include oh-ah, oh-ah, drit-drit, dah-dah...
A native Texan says his Canadian wife teases him about his use of hitten for a past participle, as in You have hitten every green light instead of You have hit every green light. Charles Mackay’s 1888 work, A Dictionary of Lowland Scotch, does...