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ShowBlack American English

Black English, also known as African American Vernacular English (AAVE) or African American Language (AAL), refers to language shared by many Black Americans. It is not merely slang, although its speakers may use slang, nor is it bad or broken English. It diverges from common English in predictable, rules-based ways, influenced by origin, contact, community, and settlement.

Wolf Tickets

To sell woof tickets, or wolf tickets, is African-American slang meaning “to threaten in a boastful manner.” Geneva Smitherman, a professor at Michigan State University who’s studied the term, believes it has its origins in the...

Boo-Boo the Fool

Who is Boo-Boo the Fool? A listener wonders if this African-American character has any relation the Puerto Rican fool, Juan Bobo. Martha draws a connection to the Spanish term bobo, meaning “fool,” and its Latin root balbus, meaning...