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Bradley effect

Bradley effect n. the difference between the number of people who vote for a black candidate and those who say they will or would. Editorial Note: The first citation is a nonce usage that refers to Bill Bradley, Democratic senator from New Jersey, instead of to Tom Bradley, former Democratic mayor of Los Angeles. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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  • I am very interested and concerned about this with this election: Obama. I saw Michelle Obama on Larry King tonight, she feels the Braeley Effect
    is from decades ago, and that we’ve come a long way with race. I agree to a point, but I do think there will be some who will not admit who they will really vote for. I don’t think it’s so much his race as his Muslem connections. It’s going to be interesting for sure.

    I do admire Mr Obama for his putting so much on the line, including his life, because there is a risk of being hurt form White supremist.
    I dream of a day when this fades like slavery..
    I am not a Black. I am part of the greatest race of all: THE HUMAN RACE.

  • And conversely you don’t think there is any racism involved in the fact that MANY blacks are voting FOR Obama simply cause he IS black?

    So, If I vote white against a black based on my REPUBLICAN agenda I am still ergo a white supremist.

    Marvelous in-depth thought process you have there.

  • Defenitly racism exists. This factor will reflect the voting result.Most of the voters they won’t reveal what they are thinking inside,inorder to please or camofalgue their opinion, they may say differently. Moreover republican camp seems to be successfull in raising seroius doubts in the minds of independent voters aganist Obama with his assocaition of terrorists and radicals and his executive inexperience. In a democratic election, it influence many factors including race and relegion.

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