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blue-state tax

blue-state tax
 n.— «Democratic leaders in Congress are vowing to make the alternative minimum tax a centerpiece of next year’s budget debate, saying the levy threatens to unfairly increase tax bills for millions of middle-class families by the end of the decade.…The focus on the tax is hardly surprising, given that victims of the tax have been concentrated in high-cost urban areas such as Washington, New York, and San Francisco—places that tend to vote Democratic. Rangel, Hoyer, and Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of California, the minority leader, all represent states hit hard by the tax, which is sometimes called the “blue-state tax.” To map states with the highest concentrations of such taxpayers is to draw bull’s-eyes over California and the Northeastern seaboard» —“Democrats target alternative minimum tax” by Lori Montgomery Boston Globe (Massachusetts) Nov. 11, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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