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 v.— «The inspection result: Twenty-five demerits, which meant Kiyone was “bedposted”—she could not leave her room (aside from meals) during the next holiday.» —“Tenchi Wakusei” by Joe Meadows FanFiction.Net Feb. 19, 2002. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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  • I’m the author of “Tenchi Wakusei.”

    The terms “bedpost” and “bedposted” are jargon used in military officer training schools, such as the Air Force Academy and Officer Training School (I attended the latter). It means exactly what the citation indicates–if you “earn” enough demerits, you’re restricted to your dorm room during a given weekend or holiday.

    Since the anime character, Kiyone Makibi, attended an kind of officer training school, albeit one in outer space, I used an actual bit of military jargon when describing her situation in my fanfic novel.

    I doubt if “bedpost” will ever make it into any dictionary, but the term is in use.

  • Thanks for the information. I have found the term in use elsewhere, but I agree with you: it’s not common enough to earn a full definition; however, it’s worth putting on the record as it fits neatly into my definition of “fringe English.”

Further reading

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