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 n.— «This is a hilarious article I dug up from an Illustrated Weekly dated July 5, 1970…”Our Brown Sahebs–By Bachi N. Kanga…The Brown Sahebs babalog go to public schools where they wear caps and striped ties (the tie is Very important, it is the bond of a lifetime), learn latin, play cricket and eat Irish stew. They get their facts of Indian history from S.Reed Brett. Esq., who dwells in great and gory detail over, the Black Hole of Calcutta. Jalianwalla Bagh? Never heard of it.”» —“Humour: Our Brown Sahebs (Re: Language in Indian films)” by Cricfan (asimha@My-deja.com) Usenet: rec.arts.movies.local.indian Feb. 7, 2002. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

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