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We’re Alive! Deal Inked to Keep AWWW on the Air!

We’ve been a little quiet because we didn’t want to start making the fire before the logs were stacked, but the news can now be told: A Way with Words is alive! That’s right: the show will continue, new episodes are already in production, and they’ll air just as they always have in San Diego and all across the country. Yay! Yay! Yay!

Read the press release here. (PDF 180K)

Big ups to our friends and colleagues at KPBS who made this possible. From the top on down, they gave us precious time and advice when we needed it. Now that their not-so-little show is setting off into the world, we hope to make them proud.

Thanks are also deserved by our friends and family for giving unstintingly of their knowledge and encouragement, but most of all for their incredible patience during the tumult of the last two months. Michael, Raquel, and Sarah: you’re the best. We couldn’t have done it without any of you!

We especially want to thank our listeners and fans for their flood of emails and phone calls. They made a big difference! Our email server and our postman nearly buckled and the voicemail system was white-hot from overuse. You made it plain: You care about language, you care about good radio, and you care about having a place to enjoy them together.

Dancing in the libraries and chess clubs will now ensue. πŸ™‚

Update: You can also comment in the discussion forum. And if you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for the “A Way with Words” free e-newsletter, so you’ll be among the first to know more news about the show!

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  • Greetings and Congratulations from Maine!

    Since discovering your show a little over a year ago I quickly became an addict and was more than a little cranky when my source was cut off. I have been listening to the podcasts, sometimes repeatedly just to keep the love alive.

    Looking forward to new shows and continued word wisdom.

    Thanks for your perseverance.

    Which inspires a question: In speech-language pathology one talks of “perseverance” when a brain injured individual gets stuck on a word or phrase that comes out over and over again as they search in vain for the correct word they wish to produce. The accent in this case is on “-sev-” with a short /e/. In my gratitude I thanked you for your “perseverance” in fighting to keep your show on the air; the accent is on “-ver-” with a long /e/. What’s the relationship between these two words?
    Thank you,

    Penny Pollard
    Cape Elizabeth, Maine

  • So glad you will be back on the air. Will you be in any new markets so we have a chance to let friends and relatives know? My sister in the Bradenton, FL, area would love the show.

  • What FABULOUS news!! I couldn’t be happier. My Saturdays of chores are never a drudge because I tune in to KPBS radio; more specifically, because I listen to A Way With Words. I’m so glad to share your delight! ~DeeDee, San Diego

  • Delighted to recieve the news of the show returning!

    I too hope some new areas may be added, my MOm in Newport Beach CA would enjoy it too.

    IF I have goofed and it is heard in that area please let me know.

    congratulations to all on your persiverance.

  • I never doubted you could make it happen; you’re all too good. Mazel tov! I look forward to puzzling you again soon.

  • Dear Martha and Grant!
    That is GREAT news! I am so pleased for you–and for all of us who live by your words. I had been wracking my brain to think of possible sponsors for you (how about a dictionary publisher?) and just concluded that if anyone would know who to seek for sponsorship it would be you.
    Congratulations and let the curtains rise on this brave new venture! (I just saw a performance last evening of “The Tempest” at the Utah Shakespearean Festival–had forgotten that Miranda speaks the words “brave new world.”)
    All the best. Connie

  • Woohoo!
    I’m so excited to hear that you will be returning to you proper place, both on the radio, and in my podcast queue!

    Way to go!

    P.S. why not just say ‘signs a deal’? Why ‘inks’–are you guys getting uppity now that you are the heads of a major corporation? πŸ™‚

  • Congratulations on the new show. If you need any data on how often we say phonemes in USA English or how often phonemes are spelled in different ways, I’d be glad to participate.

    Good luck with your show.

    Tom Zurinskas
    creator of truespel

  • I listened to you every week when I lived in San Diego. When I moved to Utah, you weren’t on the air. (My corner of Utah gets PBS from Las Vegas, so I can’t speak for Northern Utah PBS.) Fortunately, I’ve been able to listen online.

    I’ve missed you all summer. This is very good news!

  • Stefanie et al,
    I am so proud of you for picking it up when it seemed impossible. You’ve all worked far too hard on this show to let a few cave dwellers spoil the fun. The bottom line must not be a financial consideration…the bottom line is the quality of our lives. Thank you for years of nourishment.

  • This is awesome news. I’m so excited! Congratulations on your continued work. You are definitely appreciated.

  • Like everyone else here, I’m delighted to know your show will continue on air. I was shocked when it was canceled. Didn’t the management of KPBS know how popular and well-regarded your show is? I guess they do now.

    Anyway, “welcome back” doesn’t seem like the appropriate phrase, since you never really went away. So I’ll say carry on with the good work!

  • Thanks to all of you for your support. It’s heartening to hear from so many lovers of language and intelligent radio! We’re super, super, super-excited to get back into a recording studio.

    Btw, if you haven’t already, don’t forget to sign up for our free “A Way with Words” e-newsletter!


  • I had NO doubt you’d be back! Congratulations to you and the listeners. It’s nice to know your audience comes from all across the country. I’ll continue to be tuned.

    From Carlsbad, CA

  • I am thrilled for you all. Martha, Grant and especially your incredible producer Stefanie Levine. Knew you could do this. CONGRATULATIONS! I am honored to be a listener and a fan!

  • Yeah! Next time you have trouble come over to England (if you’re near York I’ll buy you some real beer) and talk to the BBC.

    Keep the WWW flag flying!

  • Oh, thank goodness! I’m thrilled to hear your good news – it brightened a discouraging evening.

  • Penny – that sounds like a great question. Why not send it to words@waywordradio.org ? Maybe it’ll wind up on the air.

    And Laurie, yes, our esteemed producer Stefanie Levine is a force of nature, not to mention a real mensch in every way. She does this job with the utmost competence — and a real sense of joy — so it’s a privilege to work with her.

  • I couldn’t be happier. My three favorite programs on PBS are yours, Garrison Keilor’s, and Terry Gross.
    One of you gone feels like an amputation.

    Unfortunately I do not know how to get the Podcasts on my computer because I wanted to hear them. However, I will welcome you both back on my radio.

    Best of luck.

  • I’m so glad to hear you’re back on! Don’t have time to read all about it, but I’m so delighted! And I hope my e-mail of disappointment helped!

  • I’m sitting here tongue tied trying to express my delight in hearing that the show and podcast lives!!

    What a good choice on the part of Public Radio and KPBS to support such a national treasure.

    I am very grateful.

    How can I directly support A Way With Words?

  • My friend Steve and I are huge fans of the show and love listening to your podcasts together in the car. We’re so glad you’re back! Thanks.

  • Congratulations.

    I am really looking forward to more “A Way with Words.”

    Emoticons are insufficient to express my enthusiasm!

  • Martha, Grant and Stefanie,
    Thank you for resurrecting this show and for the courage and determination it has taken to step up to the plate and take a big swing. Your devotion is inspiring! Who do I write out the check to?

  • Great news on the new programs! Now I’d better send a nice note to KPBS for working the deal with you, since I had also sent them a complaint about taking you off the air. I’m not a podcast listener, so I really appreciate that you’ll be back on the air.

  • How wonderful to read all these generous comments! You’re helping confirm for us that we’re doing exactly the right thing in pushing to continue producing the show ourselves.

    Speaking of which, Michael and Patrick asked where to send financial support to ensure that we can continue producing “A Way with Words” and keep it on the air. (Thanks for asking, guys!) If you want to voice your financial support for thoughtful, intelligent radio, just follow the link below.


    In any case, please know that Grant, our producer Stefanie, and I are truly, deeply grateful all the generous support you’ve expressed here and in email. (It’s like an extra jolt of java as we race to prepare for our new season!)

  • My wife and I are extremely pleased to hear the good news! The show is a weekly staple for us since we moved here to San Diego two years ago, and we are looking forward to many more weekends with you!

  • I’m so happy that the show will go on! I’m moving to Washington state in a few days, and am thrilled that I get to take it with me. ( Not to mention that like lots of other devoted listeners, I don’t have to keep listening to the same reruns of a few select shows.)Now I can tell everyone there about it, and we’ll all listen via podcast.
    Yay for you two ( and us )!

  • I was in shock when my wife informed me your show was going off the air – and similar to when my other favorite, Louis Rukeyser was yanked from Wall Street Week. Now can’t wait to let her know you have life again. Any chance of hearing Richard Lederer from time to time? Your show is one of San Diego’s pearls!

  • Congratulations!

    I am happy for you, but I am most happy for me in that I will be able to continue to enjoy your most excellent show.

    All the best!

  • I came in search today of a reason why summer is over and I’m still barely getting my fix of your show. I need the entire thing every single week. I and my iPod are thrilled to know that you will be back in our lives soon. We missed both of you.

    Thanks for your show,
    Ricky (a loyal Connecticut listener)

Further reading

Lead On, Macduff! (episode #1565)

For rock climbers, skiers, and other outdoor enthusiasts, the word send has taken on a whole new meaning. You might cheer on a fellow snowboarder with Send it, bro! β€” and being sendy is a really great thing. Plus: a nostalgic trip to Willa...

What the Blazes? (episode #1562)

What kind of book do people ask for most often in prison? Romance novels? No. The Bible? No. The most requested books by far are … dictionaries! A number of volunteer organizations gather and distribute used dictionaries to help inmates with...