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 n.— «Technology does have a lot to answer for in shaping our language and is by far the greatest source of neologisms. silicon.com’s own effort is to get the word “hackmailing”—a conjunction of hacking and blackmailing—into common usage. We think it perfectly describes the growing practice of extorting money with the threat of attacking, defacing or bringing down a website.» —“The Weekly Round-Up: 08.04.05” Silcon.com Apr. 8, 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Kiss the Cow (episode #1567)

An anadrome is a word that forms a whole new word when you spell it backwards. For example, the word “stressed” spelled backwards is “desserts.” Some people’s first names are anadromes. There’s the girl named Noel...

Smack Dab (episode #1652)

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