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 n.— «I think the great majority of people don’t care to listen to Natural/Alternative Medicine because they have a stereotypical view of it as wishy-washy, earth-mother, granola, hippy, witchy-poo, etc.» —“ Breakthroughs Are Exploding—How Do You Keep Up?” by GinaVoce25 (Gina Aramburu) in Oak Harbor, Washington Mercola.com Apr. 24, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Snaggletooth (episode #1560)

Many of us struggled with the Old English poem “Beowulf” in high school. But what if you could actually hear “Beowulf” in the English of today? There’s a new translation by Maria Dahvana Headley that uses contemporary...

Ghost Runner (episode #1631)   

In Japan, if you want to order a corndog, you ask for an Amerikan doggu (アメリカンドッグ). These types of coinages are called wasei-eigo, or “Japanese-made English,” and there are lots of them. Plus, there’s an atmospheric optical...