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third place

third place
 n.— «Librarians and other experts say the growing conflicts are the result of an increase in the number of latchkey children, a decrease in civility among young people and a dearth of “third places”—neither home nor school—where kids can be kids.» —“Lock the Library! Rowdy Students Are Taking Over” by Tina Kelley New York Times Jan. 2, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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  • Because it applies to students, not businesspeople. The subtleties matter. Also, the term is probably older than Starbuck’s extended franchise expansion, as you can see from the cites at Word Spy. Note the Freud and Oldenburg reference there. A related term is the French troisième bureau, which usually refers to a bar or brasserie or the apartment of a mistress.

Further reading

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