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The Old Bump and Grind

“I don’t see nothing wrong with a little bump n’ grind,” sings the R&B star R. Kelly, referring to the hip-thrusting dance that’s all the rage with kids these days. While some people use the phrase the old bump and grind to refer to the daily grind of workaday life, it’s probably better not to use it unless your job involves, well, bumping and grinding. This is part of a complete episode.

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  • Hello all!

    When this show originally aired, it reminded me of when my own mother used to use “The old bump and grind” phrase. My mother had said she picked it up when she worked in a dinner servering meals to the ladies working in a B-29 factory in Houston, Texas during World War II.

    From a very reliable source (my mother), the term was first used by the “Susie the Rivetors” of the day, expressing they had to go back to work to ‘bump’ rivets with a rivet gun and then ‘grind’ them flush with a grinder.

    The old bump and grind might have started with the female population back then, but its was never intended to reference anything sexual (according to my inside source)

    Luis John Soria

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